I can't come up with a good title -_-

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Read Dylan's post from May 18th first.

"And those of you who refuse to try something because it's supposedly
hazardous to your health, those straight-edged attention whores,
those fearful little lemmings, they are the true imbeciles of society.
Denying yourself an experience and therefore, wisdom, is aboutas stupid
a thing as you can accomplish."

You asked for it.

Supposedly hazardous? Is supposedly the right word? I don't think the
tobacco industries are forced to put a warning label on the side of the
pack just because there's a myth out there that smoking is bad for your health. I doubt you could prove every Surgeon General Report since 1964 to be wrong with what you know. I doubt you could look someone in the eye who lost a parent or someone close to them to lung cancer and tell them that they're just believing a lie.

But hey, I could be wrong.

So I refuse to smoke or do drugs. Does that makes me an attention whore? I think of making posts insulting religion or writing pieces that make people angry on purpose as being an attention whore. You want them to react to you, so you say something that's sure to grab their attention . I just have a basic idea of what I want out of life, and drugs and alchohol happens to not be a part of it. That doesn't mean I'm going around telling people about it like the cheerio's guy talking about his low cholesterol to someone on the elevator.

But I shouldn't take offense. After all, you didn't mean imbelicle as an
insult. You only meant that people who share my feelings have the mental capacity of a seven year old despite being over twice that age. I guess because I'm so stupid I just couldn't see what you were really trying to say. My mistake.

I'm so stupid for denying myself the experience of sucking on death, how
could I be so unwise? Does that mean I'm less wise than someone who
decided to try alcohol and drive at the same time, killing an innocent
driver as a consequence? After all, he was just trying to get the
experience of it. Of course, you specifically aren't killing anyone but yourself
with this, but that makes absolutely as much sense to me.

You can try to tell me that the habit won't take a hold of you, but that's
what most every addict has said to themselves before they got hopelessly
hooked, and you're no psychic.

I have no way of stopping you from doing this to yourself, nor
do I have the right to. Just don't give me this wisdom bullshit so
you look like you're making an educated and experienced decision to throw your life away.

I don't think you're evil or should be wiped off the planet, otherwise
I wouldn't be so upset about your new hobby. Just have respect for
us who don't like drugs or alcohol if you want the same respect toward
your life style.


Blogger Rene said...


7:47 PM  
Blogger Dylan said...

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1:02 PM  
Blogger Seraface said...


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