I can't come up with a good title -_-

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Whoever said "slow and steady wins the race" never had dial up

Dial up is a pain. Granted, it can still be useful, like if you only use the connection to get papers handed into a site or to research something. However, if you are a teenager who likes being on the computer in this day and age, dial up can cause you to be left in the dust.

I can't count how many times there was some video online that everyone knew about but me just because I can't even load it in the first place. For example:

"Leeerrrooooooooooooooy Jenkins!" "Leeroy!" "Let's do this!" "Leeerroooooooy Jeennnkinsss!"

"What the %!@# are they talking about? Whatever it is, it can't be that funny" I thought to myself. It wasn't until roughly a month later when I finally saw it on a friend's computer that had the connection necessary to watch it. The video was amusing, but by the time I saw it everyone else had killed the joke just because they got to it first and had to say the punchline in every breath they took for a couple of weeks.

I'm also stubborn in that I try to play online games that my friends play at five times the speed I'm playing at on a good day. This makes every update in the game a blessing for them and a curse for the modem users.

"Ah, man, the new factions preview they updated the game with is so awesome!"

"Heh...yeah.....I liked the loading screen too....."

Imagine you're ready to play a game of soccer in gym class. Now imagine that you have to wait at least three hours longer than everyone else to play because someone decided to incorporate ninjas and creature summoners into the game. And once you finally get in the game, your team is down 7 goals to 2 and there is less than half of the game left to play.

How do I respond? I'm used to it, so I react the same way as I would if I didn't wait those three hours.

"Go team!"


Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

DJ has gone...



3:27 AM  

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