I can't come up with a good title -_-

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Goofy at heart

I was thinking about what Dr Hillman said to me today about me being goofy. (For anyone who wasn't here yesterday) He commented that I should get a sense of humor about myself after reading my last entry. In the context of writing or creating stories, he is exactly right.

I thought back to a time when I took myself too seriously in the "Dole Comics" series I draw with Kyle.

Digression alert!

For those who don't know, the Dole Comics is about a group of heroes who call themselves the "doledi" that idolize Bob Dole, the world's greatest superhero and champion. The Doledi go around fighting whatever they assume is evil because they're too carefree to think about their decisions before they act on them. It's a really cheezy anime imitation that Kyle and I have grown to love over years of developing the story.

Over these years, I sometimes had inspiration to create something with a serious tone, but I had no outlet other than Dole Comics to put the inspiration to use. The result was a train wreck. I had tainted the fun of Dole Comics with embarrassingly lame and emo episodes.

The episodes I have drawn this year have all been made to amuse now that I have learned my lesson, and now I am learning the same teaching for this class. From now on I am going to try to have more fun with what I write. Because I am a doledi and a ninja first, angsty teenager second.


Blogger Madeline C. said...

You have made your point and the little clips of Dole Comics I have read have shown the change. It's a good change too. We love your goofy doledi/ninja side! :-D

6:27 PM  
Blogger Mr. Kyle said...


3:37 AM  

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