I can't come up with a good title -_-

Monday, February 27, 2006

The liar

I used to know a girl once. Let's say her name is Jessie. I met Jessie a few years ago. I thought she was nice, I wanted to get to know her more. There was just one big problem with her that I did not know about yet: she was a chronic liar.

As I chatted with her, I heard many stories that seemed a tad unrealistic. Stories about being beaten by family members or having been attacked by a group of boys with bad intentions. However, I never demanded that she give me proof of these stories. After all, these were very personal issues that she had, and nobody would lie about something like this. Right?

I still don't know the answer to that question. The second to last time I talked to her, she explained to me how she was "sick" of being a virgin. "I can't wait to get rid of my virginity" she said. I tried to convince her to not make irrational decisions, but she seemed set on getting laid.

A few months later I hear from someone that she did end up having sex and she got pregnant. I asked her about it the next and last time I got to talk to her, and she insisted that she was actually kidding when she was talking about having sex, but then she "accidentally" got pregnant while having sex with a different guy.

Now, I sometimes think about and wonder about her. Was everything she ever said to me a lie? Or just some of it? What if even now I'm jumping to too many conclusions and I don't know the full story?

I'll never know the answer to those questions. But I suppose even if she wanted to answer them for me, she couldn't do it either. She's probably lied to herself too often to know the truth from the false. Lies become frustrating and difficult for everyone.


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